ConvertKit Review: A Supreme System to Supercharge Your Email Marketing

Email marketing is dead.”

How often do we hear that statement shouted as the next shiny object of tech and social media takes center stage? … Only for that new thing to dull quickly, leaving consumers wanting more, or the next big thing.

Email marketing still works. Tried and true, and if anything, instead of losing its value, it has adapted and become even better.

In fact, I believe so passionately in this topic that I recorded a deep-dive podcast episode with Copyblogger founder Brian Clark on “Why the Future Is Still Email.”

Email is the gateway into your potential customer’s life, with opportunities at every turn to build relationships and trust … and eventually convert that engagement into sales.

And the system you use matters more than you think. Everything from automation potential, initial set-up needs, and the price tag can impact a user’s decision about the email marketing software they choose.

There’s a reason that ConvertKit, which is one of the newer email marketing systems out there (only established in 2013), outranks the competition in almost every area — user-friendliness, cost-effectiveness, options for all-sized blogs and businesses, and a team that cares to serve their customers first and in the best way possible.

Follow along as I walk you through my ConvertKit review, and why you should choose it over the rest.

ConvertKit review: History of an outstanding digital product

Nathan Barry established ConvertKit in 2013 out of a desire to sell a product to an audience of his own. The problem was, he didn’t have an audience.

He had left his job as the head of a software design team for a startup, and began working with clients of his own building iOS apps and writing about it on his newly minted blog.

During this process, he wrote his first ebook (The App Design Handbook). When he launched the book sale to his small list (only 798 subscribers at the time), he was able to sell $12,000+ in the first 24 hours.

At this point, Nathan realized there was something special about digital products. A few months later, he wrote another book, which he shared with his audience that had doubled, but he still had a relatively small amount of subscribers.

A search for more predictable income

Nathan was excited that he had been able to create a big revenue stream from his ebooks ($80,000+ in sales in the first few months alone) but wanted to create something that could offer a more predictable income between book launches.

Using his knowledge of designing and software building, Nathan set out to create a SaaS app, even though he didn’t know what he would build, and wrote on his blog about it throughout the process.

He launched the project, The Web App Challenge, with a self-set cap of a $5,000 investment because he didn’t want to invest a lot of money in something without knowing if there was a market for it.

Relying mostly on pre-orders, he began to create a digital product for an audience he knew and was a part of — an email marketing tool that focused on the needs of authors/bloggers who wanted to sell digital products.

ConvertKit was born

Basic at first, but it grew over time. Every time Nathan came across something his Big competitors couldn’t do, or how un-user-friendly they were, a new idea or thought emerged about how he could improve the tool he was creating.

Eventually, he hired Ruby on Rails to build an app, and while he hadn’t hit the $5,000 mark he was hoping for in the first six months, he knew he was onto something great.

A year and a half in, a conversation that stopped him in his tracks made him amp up his efforts to go “all in” with ConvertKit.

Nathan hadn’t made up much ground in the months since creation. His friend, Hiten Shah, encouraged him bluntly to either “take ConvertKit seriously and go all in, or shut it down.”

Nathan noted the conversation with Hiten, but did nothing for another six months, until he finally came to a crossroads of either having to, in his words …

“Double down or shut down”

He decided to double down.

Nathan shut down the rest of his businesses, invested $50,000, hired a full-time developer, and went all in on his marketing efforts, continuing his content marketing while hardcore introducing direct sales through cold-emailing leads.

Bloggers liked the idea of ConvertKit, but hated the idea of all the work it would be to move from one system to a new one.

So, Nathan went out on a limb and offered to do all the heavy lifting, for free.

Six months after offering what ConvertKit now calls “concierge migration,” its revenue stream was finally hitting $5,000 per month.

ConvertKit coined the phrases “email marketing for bloggers” and “the power of Infusionsoft, but easier to use than Mailchimp,” during their new marketing focus and audience shift.

The first 50 customers of ConvertKit came from the original App Challenge, however by switching their focus to direct sales, Nathan began bringing in clients that were bigger and more likely to stick around.

Once ConvertKit had hit the $20,000/month mark, they rolled out an affiliate program, which worked great because their new target market/users were bloggers with big lists who could share their experience with the software.

Since they were known and trusted by their audience, this brought in a massive amount of new revenue, and a massive number of new subscribers.

This is the point in my review of ConvertKit where people say “the rest is history.” The revenue numbers skyrocketed as the cold sales and referrals continued to roll in.

ConvertKit review: Core values

ConvertKit’s values alone set them apart from the competition.

In fact, you can find those core values listed right on their website. That’s one of the most critical parts of this ConvertKit review.

They care about the customer and their experience, creating a better product, keeping it simple, and offering support that is bar none.

ConvertKit’s values include:

  • Teach everything you know.
  • Create every day.
  • Work in public.
  • Default to generosity.
  • Do less, better.From the list, it’s easy to see they value relationships with both customers and their team, as well as honesty.
  • ConvertKit review: Exceptional features
  • What makes ConvertKit better than the rest?
  • Going back to one of their core values to “create every day,” the system’s already-excellent features are always improving.
  • Landing pages
  • Not only are the free landing page templates beautiful and completely customizable, you don’t need a website to host them.
  • With no code and tons of options, you can create your landing page quickly and efficiently, so it’s ready to land in front of potential subscribers in no time.
  • Plus, they work seamlessly with the sign-up forms that you can create in house with ConvertKit.
  • Sign-up forms
  • Your subscribers get the first glimpse of what they can expect from you by how seamlessly they can join your email list.
  • Something as simple as a sign-up form makes the process of joining your email list smooth.
  • A major aspect to note in this ConvertKit review is that the tool has something for everyone. From gorgeous, customizable designs to forms for any need, you’re able to determine the data you need to collect and embed the forms on your current website.
  • But don’t forget, users don’t even need a website to use these amazing features! Sign-up forms can be housed right on the landing pages you build in ConvertKit. Win!
  • Bonus: Have a deliverable? You can use a sign-up form to deliver a free incentive if you have one (you should definitely have one!) for joining your email list.
  • Visual automations
  • When it comes to automation tools, often times, more complex means more confusing.
  • ConvertKit keeps it simple, with easy-to-follow steps so that you can spend your time doing things you actually want to do, like focus on growing your business.
  • With ConvertKit, you can build easy to set up automated funnels that are user-friendly yet packed with customizable options. The beauty of the system is that you can see everything that is happening for your subscriber, from start to finish.
  • Need to edit the content? Add a tag or create a segmentation? Integrate with one of your favorite tools like WordPress, Zapier, etc.? It’s all possible with ConvertKit.
  • Tagging/Segmentation
  • Being able to tag subscribers and segment your list into separate parts or sections is by far one of the greatest functions ConvertKit has to offer. A key differentiating feature I wanted to note in my review of ConvertKit.
  • Tagging is as simple as it sounds. If someone does a certain action (i.e., joins your list through a specific opt-in, purchases a product, clicks a link within an email, etc.), they are labeled with the tag you’ve created.
  • This comes in handy during the segmentation process. In ConvertKit, you can choose to segment your list, or only send a specific email to customers with a certain tag or tags. You can choose several tags, or just one (the any or all functions). Or, you can choose to send it to “none” with that tag.
  • The choice is yours. Once you’ve begun creating tags, you won’t believe how easy it is to ensure the right target audience receives your message.

Auto resend broadcasts to un-opens

What do you do when subscribers don’t open an email? Do they just miss the opportunity all together, or do you resend in hopes to catch their attention?

With some email marketing systems, resending unopened emails can be a nightmare. With ConvertKit, the backend will show you the statistics of who opened, who didn’t, and give you resending options at the click of a button.

You can edit the title and the body of the broadcast, schedule the resend in advance, and have peace of mind knowing that all the automation is taken care of, so you can move onto other things in your business.

Conditional email content

When someone greets you by name in person, the conversation feels more personable and connected. So why would you want your email to be any different?

At ConvertKit, using the Conditional Content feature helps to systemize the personalization of emails. Depending on the tags you have created, you are able to add personalization like first and/or last name to your email.

The real beauty of these “conditional content” options? If the subscriber didn’t provide that information, don’t worry, they won’t see weird punctuation and errors where their name should be.

ConvertKit review: Competitors


Mailchimp is free. But free isn’t always better. The high ROI that ConvertKit offers as your email marketing system, not to mention the high value you receive, makes paying for the service worth it.

ConvertKit offers features like tagging subscribers, easy-to-use automations, and endless options to upgrade.

Plus, with the addition of ConvertKit’s new Freemium option, you can save time on bouncing back and forth between systems.

Start with ConvertKit, and as your list grows, you will already be in love with the system you use, the one with the endless possibilities, for lists big and small.


Aweber has been around, for well, a while. And while they boast lots of things, there are some features that are too important to settle on not having.

ConvertKit has options such as a/b testing, easy access to broadcast resends, and an automatic opt-in delivery feature, where Aweber lacks in all of those.

The ability to automate things like opt-in delivery saves you and your team time, and ensures that your customers receive what you want them to, when you want them to.

Total back control over your email management and your business.


While ActiveCampaign offers very similar features, at ConvertKit, the user experience and easy-to-use features are at the top of the list of importance when making improvements or changes to the system.

ConvertKit doesn’t require the hiring of an expert consultant to chart the unknowns of email marketing. The system is so user-friendly, and offers things for every level from beginning to experienced, that it actually makes this part of running a business something you enjoy.

Plus, if you really have trouble or need assistance learning a function in ConvertKit, they have one of the most responsive and helpful teams in email management.

You’ll quickly get an answer from ConvertKit, along with a ton of other helpful tips along the way. Their excellent team is a central theme throughout this review of ConvertKit.


An all-in-one tool doesn’t always mean better. Sometimes it means everything is just okay, but not great.

Because ConvertKit was created for creators by creators, they understand how important the user experience is, and what features help make the experience next level, so users can spend less time frustrated looking for work-arounds.

Things like form specific opt-ins, automatically processing duplicated subscribers (so you only pay for subscribers once), and a/b testing are just some of the features ConvertKit has, that Infusionsoft just can’t match.

Plus, when you spend less money for better results, you can put that savings toward something else in your business that will help you continue to grow your business.


Systems are meant to make the process easier, not harder. MailerLite makes things like tagging subscribers, automations, and segments difficult to figure out, or doesn’t even offer those features at all.

Users look to simplify the systems they use like membership platforms, webinar software, and survey integrations.

When your systems can’t easily work together, like they can with ConvertKit, it just causes more work for the user. Period.

ConvertKit review: Made for Creators by Creators

Because ConvertKit is Made for Creators by Creators, getting started is so easy.

In fact, they take the guesswork out and walk you through everything from creating an account to sending your first email (and every detail in between). I’m going to share those steps below, as part of my ConvertKit review.

Plus, if you don’t understand something, get confused, or need help, they have F*ing A Players. (Remember those values above?)

Step #1: Sign up for your ConvertKit account

At ConvertKit you pay for what you need. They offer something for every-sized subscriber list. They even just launched a Freemium plan.

The free plan includes unlimited landing pages and beautiful templates. Plus the option to refer a friend to unlock more options. (More on that below.)

The great thing to know here is that you can choose from several plan options, and you only pay for each email address once, no matter how you have them tagged. Plus, you can try it for the first 14 days for free.

Bonus: If you have 5,000+ subscribers, you can request a demo and free migration of your list to ConvertKit’s system.

Step #2: Create your first form

Making it as easy as possible for people to join your email list is essential. And a super important part of that? A sign-up form!

ConvertKit walks you through, step by step, how to create a form to embed on your website, blog, etc.

Step #3: Create your first tags and segments

Now you’re ready to start assigning tags (or labels) to your subscribers. You can add tags and segment lists however you choose for your business.

If you’re a course creator, you may want to tag everyone who has joined a certain class, or segment them to a list so you can email those subscribers separately.

Tags and segments make it easier than ever to make sure the subscribers you want to get certain information actually get the information!

Step #4: Import your current email list

If you already have an email list that you’re moving over to ConvertKit, be sure to export a CSV list from your current email marketing system.

Once you have done that, simply click on subscribers at the top of the menu, and look for the button that reads “Import Subscribers.”

After you’ve “drag and dropped” your CSV file, you can add a tag to the list before importing.

So, if you want to know if all of these subscribers were “Original List” subscribers, add the tag, then click Import Subscribers.

It really is that easy!

Step #5: Send your first broadcast (AKA email)

Whether you call it an email, newsletter, or broadcast, it’s time to send your first correspondence to your list. At ConvertKit, the system walks you through setting up a broadcast.

Click on New Broadcast to begin. Decide who the broadcast will be sent to (all subscribers, or if you tagged a certain group, you can choose that here).

You won’t find a bunch of templates here for your email. ConvertKit uses a simple, sleek look that is easy for your subscribers to read. You can add links, images, content, etc. to make it yours.

Once you’ve previewed your email and are happy with the layout, you can Send Immediately or Schedule for a later time/date.

Congratulations, you just sent your first broadcast!

Step #6: Create your first automation (AKA funnel)

Don’t be afraid of building your first sequence or automation. It really isn’t as scary or intimidating as it seems.

Start with something simple, like your Welcome Sequence (for when subscribers join your email list).

Under the Sequence tab, begin by clicking New Sequence. Name your sequence (Welcome Sequence, for example).

Begin writing your email copy (simply click add email to build the list). You can change the drip (or when they are delivered), simply on each email.

Now that you’ve created your first sequence, you can connect it to your opt-in form to create your first automation. ConvertKit makes it so simple, you’ll want to play with all of the possibilities offered.

Simply follow the prompts on the Automation tab to create a New Automation. From there, you can connect your opt-in form. You will then be able to add an action, event, or condition. To add your Welcome Sequence, choose Event and choose your Sequence from the drop-down list.

You’ve just created your first Automation! You can continue to build out larger and more complex funnels, or you can keep it simple.

ConvertKit review: Pricing (and why it’s worth it)

ConvertKit only recently rolled out an option for a Freemium version of the email management system, but even the smallest paid tier is worth the unlimited options ConvertKit offers.

Let’s talk about the Freemium version first.

ConvertKit decided to offer a new Freemium plan because they want to remove any blocks that new creators might have when getting up and running.

They found that many creators were starting on a free plan elsewhere, only to eventually move to ConvertKit because of the endless options and functions offered — not to mention simplicity and ease of use.

So, ConvertKit rolled out this amazing option. You get access to building unlimited landing pages and opt-ins, and then you can start inviting others to join your list. Once you’ve had your first subscriber, you can upgrade to the $29/month package to start sending emails.

But that’s not even the coolest part! With the referral program, if you refer someone to sign up to ConvertKit like you did (and they do), you get 100 free subscribers and unlock the ability to send emails along with tags, sequencing, and more. You can accept referrals up to 1,000 subscribers.

The pricing structure is tiered by the number of subscribers on your list, and you don’t pay for duplicate email addresses. So you only pay for what you need.

$29/month for up to 1,000 subscribers, $49/month for up to 3,000 subscribers, and $79/month for up to 5,000 subscribers.

Everything at each of these tiers is unlimited and included, except for the option for free migration concierge services. The option to have assistance in moving your list of 5,000 or more is available.

If you have more than 5,000 subscribers, simply enter the number of subscribers here to calculate your monthly price.

Is it worth the premium fees?

As I’ve said throughout this ConvertKit review, it’s an email management system that boasts everything you need. It’s easy to use, and doesn’t hold back, no matter what paid monthly membership you have.

Even the new Freemium option gives you access to setting up so much that you are ready to hit the ground running as your list grows, not to mention you have the opportunity to refer your friends to unlock more fun under the Freemium plan.

Sometimes free is better, though.

Here’s the best part: If you aren’t ready to pay $29/month because you’re just getting started, ConvertKit has another option for you without all the bells and whistles.

Just a couple months ago, ConvertKit announced a free plan that will allow you to create a landing page, so you can start capturing email addresses with their free landing pages and send emails to your first 100 subscribers.

You can sign up for free right here.

Why ConvertKit might not be right for you

ConvertKit is not right for everyone. That’s right, I said it.

ConvertKit doesn’t have a bunch of fancy email templates to choose from. Their commitment is to sending emails that are relatable and look like they came from an actual human (because they did!).

So, if fancy is what you’re looking for, ConvertKit may not be your email management system. If you don’t sell a product, ConvertKit may not be the right system for you.

Part of the valuable system ConvertKit has created is the tagging and segmenting offered to everyone. This function is able to track subscribers, and what they click on, engage with, and purchase.

You don’t want to continually send emails about purchasing a product to someone who already bought it! So, having the tag function will help eliminate you from targeting the wrong subscribers.

If you need to separate businesses with two different subscriber lists, things could get a little hairy in ConvertKit. ConvertKit is great for tagging, but doesn’t exactly keep the email lists separate.

So, you would either want two separate accounts, or you should use a platform that can let you jump back and forth between each list.

ConvertKit review wrap-up: Other cool stuff to consider

As I start to wrap up this ConvertKit review, here are other cool features worth highlighting.

ConvertKit has a stellar help desk. While there is not a phone number you can call, the live chat support and quick email response is more than enough to get help quickly and resolve any issue you may have.

There’s a Facebook page for ConvertKit users that is more than 9,000 members strong. Plus, they just released a new Community by ConvertKit, where they have built a hub to further the “creator movement” around the world. It’s a great place to network with other creators and see what’s out there!

ConvertKit’s conference, Craft + Commerce, is known throughout the globe as one of the best conferences for creators to attend. Craft + Commerce is “the premier event for online creators to come together to build community and learn from the world’s top creators.”

What makes the conference so good? The not-to-miss speaker lineup, the exclusive number of tickets available (only 400 this year), and the chance to surround yourself with like-minded creators who are also growing and scaling their businesses are reasons enough to attend this event.

A top tool for building trust, sharing stories, and growing your community

As I stated before, email marketing is one of the biggest opportunities for businesses to get their product, service, and knowledge out in front of their potential customers.

Email is still one of the top tools for building trust with your audience, sharing relevant stories, and inviting people to be a part of your community.

Check out my deep dive with Brian Clark in this podcast episode, “Why the Future Is Still Email,” to find out why I think email isn’t going anywhere.

And head over to ConvertKit to see why I think it’s the best email management system with the best team, features, and user-friendliness, and why I think it blows the competition out of the water.


Kandharasana (Shoulder Pose): Steps, Cautions and Benefits!

· 2 min read

The name of this asana bears its origin from sanskrit language. The word ‘kandha’ is a sanskrit word meaning ‘shoulder’, on the other hand, ‘asana’ means ‘pose’ or ‘posture’. Shoulders play an important role in this asana as the weight of some of our body parts is put on the shoulders. It is for the same reason, called ‘Shoulder Pose’ in English.

Steps for kandharasana

  • Lie on the back i.e., the position of Savasana (Corpse Pose).
  • Bend the legs at knees so that the feet lie flat on ground and the heels touch the buttocks.
  • Hold the ankles with the hands. With this, the starting position is maintained.
  • Make an arch by lifting the buttocks and the back alongwith.
  • Keeping the shoulder and feet stationary, lift the chest and navel as high as possible towards the chin without straining.
  • This is to make sure that the feet and shoulders lie firm on the ground.
  • This forms the final position where the weight of the whole body lies on the feet, arms, shoulders, neck and the head.
  • Remain at the same position as long as it is comfortable (remember to breathe normally while performing this asana). When it becomes unbearable, lower the body to the starting position.
  • Relax the hands and stretch the legs
  • Repeat the process about 5 to 10 times

Cautions for kandharasana

  • It is better to perform this asana before or after a ‘forward bending asana’. It also forms a preparatory position for the ‘Chakrasana’.
  • The limit to hold the final position is 15 to 20 seconds. Remenber to breathe normally throughout the performance of the asana. The body limits must not be crossed.
  • Do not over practice. The ideal repitition os of 5 to 10 times according to your body strength.
  • People with serious knee or shoulder injuries and severe back pain are advised not to practice this asana.
  • It is advised that women in later stage for their pregnancy should not raise their buttocks above 15 cms.
  • People with problem of duodenal ulcers, or abdominal hernia must not practice this asana.

Benefits of kandharasana

  • Kandharasana is performed in order to realign the spine and relieving backache.
  • It is useful to cure pain of many of the body parts such as back, shoulders, knees and throat.
  • It attempts to improve digestion by massaging the abdominal organs.
  • It makes the female reproductive organs strong. Women with tendency of miscarriage must perform this asana. The chances of miscarriage decline if this asana is performed before conceiving.
  • It is the cure for the mismanagement of menstrual disorders, prolapse, asthma and bronchial conditions.

don’t forget to visit out website for more information

Work From Home

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You can earn more than $100,000 when you work from home in one of these jobs

PUBLISHED Wednesday , 11march 2020 2.23 pm

SHAREPortrait of smiling woman at home sitting at table using laptopWestend61

The lure of remote work is obvious.

In addition to sleeping an hour or so later, depending on your commute, you can save a lot of money. For instance, the costs of a formal work wardrobe, lunch out and traveling to an office.

More than 4 million employees — just a fraction of the U.S. workforce — works from home at least part of the time, says telecommuting research site Global Workplace Analytics.

Until now, though, your choice of jobs may have limited the options. Some fields have seen a huge jump — more than 50% — over the past couple of years, according to FlexJobs.

A “remote job” is defined as a professional-level position that allows someone to work from home either entirely or part of the time. Other names include telecommuting jobs, virtual jobs and at-home jobs.

Some of these rapidly growing career areas aren’t typically associated with remote work, which makes the uptick surprising.

The following seven fields are seeing a lot of expansion in opportunities to work remotely:

1. Economics and math

Premium: Man looking at graph investorBlend Images | Hill Street Studios | Getty Images

Sample job titles include actuarial analyst, economics faculty member, mathematical programmer, data scientist and high school math teacher.

Sample job listingBusiness data analyst.

The average salary for a senior business intelligence analyst tops out, according to Payscale, at $118,000.

2. Insurance

Insurance claim expert at work.BartCo

Sample job titles include loss control specialist, nurse case manager, premium auditor, underwriting manager and claims representative.

Sample job listing: Clinical consultant

The average clinical consultant salary ranges from $58,000 to $116,000, according to Payscale.

3. Philanthropy and nonprofits

Male food bank director uses digital tabletSDI Productions

Sample job titles include senior national fundraising director, program director, policy manager, major gifts officer and partnerships manager.

Sample job listing: Senior director campaign and fundraising

The average salary for a senior fundraising director is $105,404, according to Glassdoor.

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4. Real estate and mortgage

A man receiving new apartment or room key from real estate sales agent after finished a rental agreement or buying contract.Narisara Nami | Getty Images

Sample job titles include senior loan officer, director of sales, district manager, real estate content producer and real estate valuation manager.

Sample job listingResidential appraiser

A residential appraiser earns on average $60,597, according to Payscale.

5. Marketing

Business people discussing ideas in office10’000 Hours | Getty Images

Sample job titles include associate product manager, marketing specialist, marketing operations manager, online campaign manager and digital marketing analyst.

Sample job listing: Senior manager of web strategies and analytics

Web analytics manager salaries range from $67,000 to $126,000, according to Payscale.

6. Engineering

Portrait of manager using smart phone in car plantMorsa Images | Getty Images

Sample job titles include solutions engineer, software engineer, automation expert, design/field engineering technician and head of front-end engineering.

Sample job listing: Senior traffic engineer

Payscale says traffic engineer salaries generally range from $55,000 to $100,000.

7. Project Management

Businesswoman explaining diagram to female coworker10’000 Hours | Getty Images

Sample job titles include business process consultant, engagement manager, project manager, scrum master and project management manager.

Sample job listing: Brand and experience manager

The average salary for an engagement manager ranges from $45,000 to $142,000, Payscale says.

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BestPet products 2020

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10 Best Pet Products to Sell in 2020
pet products 2020

Pet products are one of the most popular niches to start selling in. With millions of pet owners around the world, it’s no wonder why this niche always does so well. In 2020, the pet products niche will continue to be a stable niche to sell in. You’ll be able to sell everything from personalized pet products to biting toys and cat litter mats too. Here are the top ten best pet products to sell next year.

10 Best Pet Products to Sell in 2020

  1. Pet Bed

This pet bed was very popular in 2019 and in 2020 we expect to see its popularity continue to rise with international sales. Traditionally, pet beds were stiff in design. But with this fluffy pet bed, we see a more comfortable pet bed being made for our furry friends. In recent months…

View original post 2,431 more words

BestPet products 2020

10 Best Pet Products to Sell in 2020
pet products 2020

Pet products are one of the most popular niches to start selling in. With millions of pet owners around the world, it’s no wonder why this niche always does so well. In 2020, the pet products niche will continue to be a stable niche to sell in. You’ll be able to sell everything from personalized pet products to biting toys and cat litter mats too. Here are the top ten best pet products to sell next year.

10 Best Pet Products to Sell in 2020

  1. Pet Bed

This pet bed was very popular in 2019 and in 2020 we expect to see its popularity continue to rise with international sales. Traditionally, pet beds were stiff in design. But with this fluffy pet bed, we see a more comfortable pet bed being made for our furry friends. In recent months, its generated over 13,000 orders. It comes in various colors and sizes so you’ll be able to offer your customers quite a bit of variety to choose from. The search term “pet bed” gets about 22,000 monthly searches, which proves its popularity. Pet products like this bed are popular each year as it receives the same amount of volume each year making this a steady niche.

To promote pet products such as this bed, you might want to partner up with Instagram fan pages. You can reach out to pages of each dog and cat breed, asking for a shout-out or a link in Instagram Stories. You’ll need to pay a fee to make this happen but usually it’s under $50. When comparing fan pages over influencer marketing, not only are fan pages more effective at converting but they’re also usually cheaper than an influencer.

  1. Dog Seat Cover

Pet products like this dog seat cover help keep your car clean when taking your pet to the pet store or the veterinarian. Rather than having dog hair and dirty paws ruin your car seats, you can have this cover get dirty instead. And since it’s removable, you can put in the wash to clean it anytime. Thus, it’s easier to clean than your car seats would be. This pet product has had hundreds of orders in the past 30 days making it a popular product to sell right now. With the winter 2020 season starting, your customers will be more desperate to find something to keep their pet’s dirty paws from ruining their car seat.

To promote this product, you’ll likely want to create a video ad of a dog entering a car in the winter. You can pair up with an influencer who has a dog and a car to create the video for you. You can then use the ad on your Facebook and Instagram to generate sales for the product. Since you’ll be showing the benefits of the dog seat cover through the video, people will clearly understand why they need to buy this: to keep a clean car.

  1. Multifunction Biting Toys

Pet products such as multifunction biting toys are growing in popularity right now. Their popularity is still in the early phases, so it’ll be easy to jump on this trend. It has a suction end so customers can place the product on the floor while their dog tries to pull the toy away. As a biting toy, it helps strengthen your dog’s teeth by cleaning them. At the same time, your customer’s dog is entertained by playing with it. Dog toy search volume has been steady for a long time but has recently slightly grown. So, if you’re going to start a pet products store, you’ll definitely want to have a collection of dog toys on your website. What’s even more astounding is that the keyword “dog toys” gets 110,000 monthly searches according to Keywords Everywhere.

Since there’s such a massive amount of search traffic for products like this, your best bet is a search-based approach. You should run search network or display Google ads or even Google Shopping ads. You can use keywords like “dog toys” and other keywords like “interactive dog toys” to see which terms convert best and help your store get the most sales. You can also start a pet blog to grow your search traffic back to your website. You can create listicles of the top ten dog toys to help your products rank. You can also write content about raising pets as well to demonstrate your expertise on the pet industry.

  1. Dog Toothbrush

Pet products like this dog toothbrush help keep your dog’s teeth clean. This plastic dog toothbrush allows dogs to bite and chew on their “toy” while it is actually cleaning their teeth. This pet product has received thousands of orders proving that owners are concerned about pet dental hygiene. According to Google Trends, the search volume for “dog toothbrush” has been increasing recently. The keyword generates 33,100 monthly searches, so it’s a fairly popular pet product to sell.

To promote your pet products, you can run Google Ads for “dog toothbrush.” You can create Google Shopping ads so customers can see the product you’re selling, price point, and other key product details. You can also create blog content around dog dental hygiene on your website adding in links to your product pages so you can drive traffic back to your products. This will help you build a bigger and more profitable website while also making sales.

  1. Pet Grooming

Pet grooming is one of the most popular niches in the pet products space. This pet grooming nail trimmer allows your customers to save on pet grooming costs by grooming their pets at home instead of taking them to a professional. Ideally, your pet products store shouldn’t focus only on pet grooming – instead, it should include grooming products alongside other pet products.

This product can be used on both cats and dogs. It is appealing because it can prevent furniture from ripping while helping them care for their pets’ skin, removing dirt, and reducing inflammation. Searches for “pet grooming” have been steadily increasing showing the popularity of this category. The keyword “pet grooming” gets 135,000 monthly searches according to Keywords Everywhere. This makes it clear that the pet niche has some of the most popular categories, making it a viable niche to get started in.

Pet grooming products are more of a search-based buy than an impulse buy play. To appeal to those who are searching for these products, you can run Google Shopping ads to showcase your pet grooming products. You can also create a video of a pet being groomed with your nail trimmer to place on your product page or on one of your Instagram posts to drive traffic back to your website. Consider creating pet grooming blog content on your website that includes a link to your pet grooming collection to bring in search traffic while easing customers into your product collection. You can also add an email opt-in form to your blog posts so that your search traffic subscribes to your email list. Since most people have pets for at least ten years, they’ll likely be customers for several years.

  1. Pet Painting

Two popular painting pet products came out in 2019: diamond painting and paint-by-numbers paintings. Since personalized products are one of the hottest trends of 2020, it makes sense that this pet product would end up on the list. Crafty DIYers can send their pet photo to you and AliExpress will send a custom paint-by-numbers sheet with paint to your customers so they can paint a photo of their pet. This pet product capitalizes on multiple trends, making it a clear-cut impulse buy.

You can promote this product on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. You might create a post or an ad highlighting the product. It’s a good idea to create a video of someone painting a pet photo so they can see how the product is used. You can target people who follow pet pages or join a DIY Facebook group to find your audience. On Pinterest, you can join group boards to place a link to your product page. Avoid spamming too many links to your website at once without repinning content from other pages – Pinterest will kick you off their platform for spam (yes, I do know from experience).

  1. Novelty Cat Beds

So, we’ve already established that pet beds are popular. But let’s dive into novelty pet beds. Rather than focusing on a search-based play, novelty pet beds are totally an impulse buy. I mean, seriously, how cute is this banana cat bed? Your customers are definitely going to want to snap a quick pic for their Instagram account. With over 1,200 orders in recent months, sales for this cat bed are growing. Search volume for “cat bed” is a steadily growing niche that’ll likely grow throughout 2020 too. The same term gets about 60,500 monthly searches according to Keywords Everywhere.

To promote your novelty cat bed, you can try a search-based strategy. However, you’ll want to stick to generic terms like “cat bed” or “pet bed” to generate views, clicks, and sales to your website. The search volume for “banana bed” only gets 1,300 monthly searches and it likely won’t produce the volume you need for a sustainable store. This product would likely perform well on Facebook and Instagram as it’s visually stimulating. You can post a picture of a cat in the banana bed or create a few videos of a cat sleeping in or playing in the banana bed. Using that content for ads will help you capitalize on sales if you don’t have many Instagram followers.

  1. Dog Jackets

Winter 2020 will be a cold season. And while our furry friends have fur to keep them warm, they still get cold. That’s why more dog owners are bundling up their four-legged friends with winter coats and vests. In recent months, this pet jacket generated over 7,000 orders. The term “dog jackets” generates 22,000 monthly searches. The jackets you sell don’t need to be limited to cold weather, and you can sell raincoats too. Since dog jackets tend to be seasonal products, you’ll want to make sure that it’s only a collection on your store rather than the basis of your niche. You should sell other pet products too so that you’re always generating income despite seasonal dips.

To promote your dog jackets, you’ll likely want to start in October of 2020. Peak season for dog jackets is November and December according to Google Trends so you’ll want to make sure your website has content up and loaded. When peak season finally arrives, you’ll want to have Google Shopping ads running so people can see the dog jackets you’re selling. You may go after terms like “dog jackets” or “dog puffer jacket” to see which keywords convert best. It’ll require a bit of trial and error but sometimes it’s the random keywords that convert well.

  1. Cat Litter Mat

The term “cat litter” has been skyrocketing in search volume recently, according to Google Trends. So, it’s no surprise that pet products relating to cat litter are racking up high order volume too.

Take this cat litter mat for instance. In recent months, this mat has had over 9700 orders purchased by real customers. With “cat litter” getting 74,000 monthly searches, it makes sense that related accessories are a must-sell for pet store owners such as mats and scoops. There are close to 10,000 monthly searches for “cat litter mat” that you’ll be able to capitalize on as a seller.

You can run Google Ads to related “cat litter” and “cat litter mat” keywords to help entice people to buy your product. You can create content around cat litter on your cat or pet store. By ranking organically in search for popular but relevant keywords, you will drive more traffic to your website. You can collect email addresses from that increase in traffic or add links to your product pages to generate sales from this free traffic. Keep in mind that you’ll need to create content on a consistent schedule each week for at least six months before seeing the impact of your results. It’s a slow-paced game but one where you could surely win.

  1. Personalized Dog Collar

Dog collars are a must-have pet product on any pet store. These personalized pet collars add the extra touch that makes them so popular. We already know how popular personalized products are, so it’s no wonder this product has generated over 5,600 orders recently. While pet collars are typically search-based products, the personalization element makes them a bit more of an impulse buy. You’ll need to include a note box on your website so that customers can fill in the personalized details they want on the product page when checking out so that you can send those details to AliExpress promptly.

To sell pet products like dog collars, you can run Facebook and Instagram ads and target people who are fans of dog pages or have an interest in dogs. You can also target people who are in dog-related Facebook groups. There are many groups for specific dog breeds, so it might be a good idea to target specific groups. But keep in mind that not all dog breeds wear collars – for example, pugs wear harnesses. You can also do a search-based play targeting keywords related to “dog collars.”

Pet Trends for 2020 According to Experts
David Ng Whye Tye, CEO of Pet Lovers CentreDavid Ng Whye Tye, CEO of Pet Lovers Centre, says, “The growing popularity of [pet] trackers can be attributed to the rising awareness among pet owners about their pets’ health. These devices can help a pet owner keep a close eye on their furry friend’s health and monitor their behaviour.

These wearables can track daily activities and generate data on:

The recommended food intake for their pet
The number of calories burnt during the day
Respiratory patterns
A rising number of people are also adopting pets as companions for their mental stability and entertainment. As a result, owners are more inclined to invest in their pets, boosting expenditure on ensuring their well being. With the increasing emphasis on maintaining their pets’ health, the global pet wearable trackers market is expected to expand greatly.”

Vijay J., the founder of dog food brand Kabo, says, “The biggest pet product trends throughout 2020 will be:

Premiumization. With pet spending increasing YoY we’re seeing more and more pet parents spending on higher-quality goods for their furbabies.

Transparency. There has been an increase in human-grade dog food businesses like Pet Plate, Butternutbox and Kabo dog food providing fresh, healthy food in 2019. Pet owners will continue to look for that transparency in ingredients for treats and also move into toys and other accessory products.

We’ve seen an increase in demand from our customers alone asking about safe cleaners to use in their home with pets, human-grade treats, and so on. ”

Anna judgeAnna Judge, Pet Specialist at NHV Natural Pet, explains, “With many pet owners looking to ensure the health of their pets for years to come, there’s a huge focus on natural health and the environment.

People are looking for environmentally conscious pet products such as pet toys made from recycled materials. Natural health supplements are in demand and pet owners want the highest quality.

Our pets are our family and furthering that relationship through quality food and supplements is key.”